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Houston TX Broken Bone Injury Attorney

Fighting for Just Broken Bone Injury Compensation in Texas

When life takes an unexpected turn, and broken bones become a part of your story, Leeds Law Firm stands as your reliable ally in navigating the aftermath. Our Houston TX broken bone injury attorney recognizes the difficulties you face and is ready to champion your rights through the complexities of the legal process.

Quick Summary

  • Broken bones result from various accidents: motorcycle, car, dog bites, slip and fall, truck, bicycle, pedestrian, child-related, workplace, and medical malpractice.
  • Types of fractures include closed, open, transverse, oblique, comminuted, greenstick, pathological, spiral, stress, Chauffeur’s, skull, orbital.
  • Signs of a broken bone: pop or snap, open wound, decreased sensation, worsening pain, swelling, limited mobility, deformity, dizziness.
  • Liability can fall on individuals, property owners, employers, product manufacturers, or medical professionals.
  • Texas’ statute of limitations is two years for filing a lawsuit.
  • Establishing liability requires proving duty, breach, causation, and damages.
  • Compensation includes economic (medical bills, therapy, home care) and non-economic (pain, scarring, mental stress).
  • Texas follows modified comparative negligence, requiring less than 50% responsibility for compensation.

If you find yourself dealing with the aftermath of a broken bone injury in Texas, don’t face it alone. Call Leeds Law Firm for trusted support in broken bone injury cases. Your journey to justice in Texas starts here.

What is a Bone Fracture?

A bone fracture, medically known as a broken bone, happens when the bone’s shape is altered, causing damage to its structure. Falls and car accidents are common causes of bone fractures, which can happen in various ways. The term “bone fractures” is also used to refer to a crack in the bone, and it can occur on any bone throughout the body.

What Are the Common Causes of Broken Bone Injuries?

Broken bones happen when a bone can’t absorb the force applied to it. Any impact, kick, or blow to the body can lead to bone breaks. Some common accidents causing broken bones include:

  • Motorcycle Accidents
  • Car Accidents
  • Dog Bites
  • Slip and Fall
  • Truck Accidents
  • Bicycle Accidents
  • Pedestrian Accidents
  • Child-Related Accidents
  • Workplace Accidents
  • Medical Malpractice

What Are the Different Types of Bone Fractures?

Various types of bone fractures can result from accidents. These include:

Closed Fractures

Closed fractures, also known as simple fractures, occur when the bone breaks without piercing the skin. This type of fracture is contained within the body, and while it may still cause pain and swelling, the risk of infection is lower compared to open fractures.

Open Fractures

Open fractures, or compound fractures, involve the bone breaking through the skin. This type of fracture poses a higher risk of infection due to the exposure of the bone to external elements. Immediate medical attention is crucial to address both the fracture and prevent potential complications.

Transverse Fractures

Transverse fractures occur when the break is perpendicular to the bone’s long axis. These fractures often result from a direct force applied at a right angle to the bone, causing a clean break. Proper alignment during healing is essential to ensure optimal recovery.

Oblique Fractures

Oblique fractures present with a diagonal break across the bone. This type of fracture typically occurs due to a force applied at an angle to the bone. The nature of the break may require careful realignment and stabilization during the healing process.

Comminuted Fractures

Comminuted fractures involve the bone breaking into multiple fragments. This type of fracture can be more complex, requiring precise treatment to ensure proper healing. Surgical intervention may be necessary to align and stabilize the bone fragments for optimal recovery.

Greenstick Fractures

In this type of fracture, the bone partially breaks on one side while bending on the other. This kind of fracture is more prevalent in children because their bones are softer and more flexible.

Pathological Fractures

These fractures result from illnesses that undermine the strength of the bone structure, such as osteoporosis or bone cancer.

Spiral Fractures

This refers to a situation where a bone is forcefully twisted apart, leading to a spiral fracture wrapping around the bone. This typically occurs due to a rotational force, commonly observed in the leg when the body is in motion, and a foot is firmly planted. 

Additionally, instances of child abuse may involve this type of fracture, particularly when an arm or finger is subjected to twisting and rotation.

Stress Fractures

Frequently known as a “hairline fracture,” stress fractures are tiny cracks in a bone that may need an X-ray for accurate detection. These fractures typically result from repetitive or excessive use of a particular part of the body. In the case of the feet, stress fractures can occur due to prolonged activities like long-distance running or continuous jumping.

Chauffeur’s Fractures

This type of fracture occurs in the forearm’s radial styloid process. It happens when the scaphoid bone is compressed against the distal radius. Interestingly, it’s named after chauffeurs who would experience this fracture when slipping and releasing old crankshafts in cars, causing them to spin backward and hit their wrists.

Skull Fractures

Skull fractures involve a break or crack in the bones of the skull, which encases and protects the brain. These fractures can result from severe impacts, such as those sustained in car accidents, falls, or blunt force trauma. Depending on the location and severity, skull fractures may vary in their impact on neurological functions.

Orbital Fractures

Orbital fractures occur in the bones surrounding the eye socket, known as the orbit. These fractures can result from various incidents, including facial trauma, falls, or accidents. The delicate nature of the eye and its surrounding structures makes orbital fractures a concern for potential vision impairment.

What Are the Signs of a Broken Bone Injury?

Indications that a bone might be broken could include:

  • A popping or snapping sound when the injury occurs
  • Presence of an open wound
  • Reduced sensation
  • Pain intensifies with movement
  • Swelling and bruising
  • Restricted mobility
  • Visible deformity
  • Feelings of dizziness or shock

Seeking medical attention is essential to properly set, cast, or splint a broken bone, facilitating the healing process. In more severe cases, surgery might be necessary, extending the recovery and healing period.

What to Do Following a Broken Bone Injury in Texas?

Navigating the aftermath of a broken bone injury in the vast expanse of Texas may seem daunting, but a systematic approach can ease the journey. Understanding the steps to take is crucial for a smoother recovery and potential legal considerations.

  • Immediate Care

Upon sustaining a broken bone, prioritize your health. Seek immediate medical attention. Emergency services or urgent care centers are your allies in addressing the injury promptly. Swift action not only aids recovery but also forms a foundational element in potential legal proceedings.

  • Documentation

In the whirlwind of injury, documentation becomes a silent hero. Take photos of the accident site, your injuries, and any contributing factors. Collect witness information if possible. These details may play a pivotal role later in establishing the circumstances surrounding the injury.

  • Medical Records

Hold onto medical records like treasures. These documents serve as a roadmap for your recovery journey. They not only document the extent of your injuries but also become crucial evidence in any legal claims. Be diligent in collecting and organizing these records.

  • Legal Consultation

In the Lone Star State, legal nuances exist concerning personal injury claims. Seeking a legal consultation is a prudent step. Discuss the details of your case with our trusted Houston TX broken bone injury attorney. We can provide insights into the viability of a claim and guide you through potential legal avenues.

  • Filing a Police Report

If your broken bone injury stems from an accident, filing a police report is pivotal. This report serves as an official account of the incident, adding an extra layer of documentation to support your case. Promptly report the incident to the local authorities to ensure accuracy and validity.

  • Insurance Communications

Engage in open and transparent communication with insurance entities. Notify your insurance provider promptly about the incident. Understanding the coverage, limitations, and potential compensations available is vital. Insurance plays a significant role in shouldering the financial burdens associated with the injury.

  • Preserving Evidence

Preserve any evidence related to the incident. This includes retaining the clothing you wore during the accident and any objects involved. These seemingly mundane items can become crucial puzzle pieces in reconstructing the events leading to the injury.

  • Follow Medical Advice

Adhering to medical advice becomes a cornerstone of your recovery. Compliance not only ensures a smoother healing process but also strengthens your position in legal proceedings. Non-compliance may be used against you, underscoring the importance of following prescribed treatments diligently.

  • Stay Informed

Knowledge is your ally. Stay informed about your rights, the legal process, and any developments in your case. Regular communication with your legal representation ensures you’re on the same page, fostering a collaborative approach to seeking appropriate compensation.

Who Can Be Held Liable for My Broken Bone Injury?

Determining liability for a broken bone injury is pivotal in pursuing compensation. Unraveling the web of responsibility involves identifying parties whose actions or negligence contributed to the injury.

Individual Responsibility

In many cases, individuals may be directly responsible for a broken bone injury. This could include scenarios where someone’s actions, intentional or negligent, lead to the injury. For instance, if someone engages in reckless behavior, causing an accident resulting in your injury, they may be held liable.

Property Owners

Premises liability is a key consideration. Property owners are responsible for maintaining a safe environment. If your injury occurs on someone else’s property due to hazardous conditions, like a slippery floor or poorly maintained premises, the property owner may be held accountable.

Employers and Workplace Incidents

Work-related injuries often involve employer liability. Employers are obligated to provide a safe working environment. If a broken bone occurs due to workplace hazards, inadequate safety measures, or employer negligence, you may have a valid claim against your employer.

Product Manufacturers

Defective products can lead to injuries, and in such cases, the manufacturer may be held liable. If a product, be it a tool, equipment, or any consumer good, malfunctions or lacks proper warnings, resulting in a broken bone, the responsibility falls on the manufacturer.

Medical Professionals

In cases where a broken bone results from medical malpractice, the healthcare provider may be held liable. This includes situations where a misdiagnosis, surgical error, or negligence during medical care leads to the injury.

What is Texas’ Statute of Limitations for Broken Bone Injury Claims?

In Texas, you need to initiate your lawsuit within two years. Otherwise, you forfeit your right to do so. This timeframe is known as the statute of limitations, indicating the period during which you must proceed with your case. Starting your case sooner means you’ll be on the road to recovery more quickly.

How Can I Establish Liability for My Broken Bone Injury Claim?

To claim damages from a defendant, it’s necessary to establish liability by showing that the person either neglected their duty or intentionally harmed the plaintiff. This involves proving:


The defendant had a legal obligation to the plaintiff, like an employer ensuring a safe work environment.


The defendant must have violated this duty, such as not following safety standards, and not providing necessary safety measures for roadside construction workers.


The defendant’s failure to uphold their duty must have directly caused the plaintiff’s injury. For instance, not having proper safety measures like traffic cones can lead to accidents involving workers.


The resulting injury must result in financial losses, like medical expenses or missed work. If a worker is injured due to a lack of safety measures, the employer may be held responsible for the associated costs.


If someone breaks safety rules, causing an injury that leads to financial losses for the victim, the party obligated to follow those rules can be held accountable.

What Compensation Can I Get From My Broken Bone Injury Claim?

Leeds Law Firm is committed to aiding individuals who have suffered injuries in Texas in returning to their normal lives. We are thorough in exploring every avenue to ensure you receive all the compensation you are entitled to. Our goal is to secure both financial and non-financial compensation to support your recovery.

Economic Compensation

Economic compensation addresses costs associated with economic losses such as:

Current Medical Bills

Immediate medical expenses related to treating broken bone injuries, including hospital stays, doctor visits, diagnostic tests, and any necessary medical procedures.

Future Medical Expenses

Anticipated medical costs for ongoing treatment, follow-up appointments, and any necessary medical interventions required for the continued care and recovery from broken bone injuries.

Physical Therapy

Compensation for physical therapy sessions aimed at restoring mobility, strength, and functionality following a broken bone injury. This includes the costs associated with professional rehabilitation services.

Home Care Assistance

Support for home care services is required during the recovery process, such as assistance with daily activities, rehabilitation exercises, or any specialized care needed for individuals with broken bone injuries.

Non-Economic Compensation

Non-economic compensation addresses personal costs you experience, including:

Pain and Suffering

Compensation for the physical discomfort, distress, and emotional anguish endured due to the pain associated with broken bone injuries. This covers the overall impact on your well-being and quality of life during the recovery process.


Recognition of the emotional distress and embarrassment caused by visible signs of injury, especially scarring or the use of mobility aids during the healing period for broken bones.


Compensation for any visible scars resulting from the injury, acknowledging the impact on your physical appearance, and potential long-term consequences for self-esteem and confidence.

Loss of Consortium

Recognition of the strain on relationships and the emotional toll experienced by a partner due to the limitations in physical intimacy or companionship resulting from broken bone injuries.

Mental Stress

Compensation for the emotional strain and mental stress endured as a consequence of the broken bone injuries, including any psychological challenges faced during the recovery process.

In Texas, being a modified comparative negligence state means that to receive compensation, you must be less than 50% responsible for the accident causing your injury.

Why Do I Need a Broken Bone Injury Attorney in Texas?

Facing the aftermath of a broken bone injury in Texas can be challenging, and having a dedicated personal injury attorney by your side is not just beneficial but often necessary. Understanding the reasons behind engaging our broken bone injury attorney can significantly impact the trajectory of your recovery.

At Leeds Law Firm, we will guide you with the following: 

  • Legal Know-How – Our knowledge of Texas laws about personal injuries is invaluable. From understanding statutes of limitations to deciphering liability nuances, our legal acumen ensures your case stands on solid ground.
  • Evidence Gathering – Our skilled Houston TX broken bone injury attorney knows what pieces of the puzzle are crucial. We can guide you in gathering medical records, witness statements, and other documentation that strengthens your claim. 
  • Negotiation Skills – Our legal team is adept at navigating these negotiations to secure the best possible outcome for you. Our experience in dealing with insurers ensures you aren’t caught off guard or shortchanged during the compensation process.
  • Courtroom Representation – While many cases are settled outside the courtroom, having our personal injury attorney prepared to litigate adds a layer of strength to your position. If negotiations reach an impasse, we can seamlessly transition to courtroom representation, advocating for your rights before a judge and jury.
  • Objective Assessment – In the aftermath of an injury, emotions run high. Having us provides an objective perspective. We can assess your case dispassionately, offering insights into its strengths and potential challenges. This objectivity is crucial in making informed decisions throughout the legal process.

Unparalleled Legal Support for Broken Bone Injury Victims in Texas

For unparalleled legal support in the realm of broken bone injuries, Leeds Law Firm stands as a beacon of excellence. Our competent Houston TX broken bone injury attorney brings a wealth of experience in Texas personal injury law, ensuring that your case is handled with the utmost care and precision. 

We understand the challenges you face and are ready to champion your rights. If you’ve experienced a broken bone injury, let Leeds Law Firm be your advocate in seeking the compensation you deserve. Our law firm can also represent you in Neck Injury, Nursing Home Abuse, Insurance Claims, and Catastrophic Injuries.

Your journey to justice begins with a call to Leeds Law Firm—your trusted partner in navigating the legal landscape of personal injuries in Texas.



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