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Houston Knee Injury Attorney

Safeguarding Rights and Securing Compensation Following a Knee Injury in Texas

Leeds Law Firm is a legal powerhouse aiding Texans with knee injuries. Our skilled Houston knee injury lawyer navigates legal complexities. We’re your vigilant advocates, weaving through the legal tangle of a slip-and-fall or workplace event.

Our legal professionals go beyond practice. They support your justice quest. We understand Texas knee injury cases and examine all legal options for you. No nonsense, just a commitment to protecting your rights and getting you compensated.

Get started on resolution. Contact Leeds Law Firm now. We can guide you through the legal process with clarity and competence. Our first goal is your health, and we’ll fight for you step by step.

Quick Summary

  • Types of Knee Injuries. From dislocations and fractures to ligament injuries, Leeds Law Firm provides insights into various knee injuries and their potential consequences.
  • Common Causes of Knee Injuries in Texas. Car accidents, motorcycle accidents, bicycle accidents, assault, and workplace incidents are frequent culprits for knee injuries.
  • Symptoms of Knee Injuries. Recognizing pain, swelling, limited range of motion, instability, and other symptoms is crucial for timely intervention and effective treatment.
  • What to Do After a Knee Injury in Texas. Immediate steps, documentation, reporting incidents at work, understanding workers’ compensation, seeking legal counsel, and more.
  • Proving Negligence in Knee Injury Claims. Elements of negligence, duty of care, breach of duty, causation, and damages are explained to build a solid case.
  • Essential Evidence for Knee Injury Claims. From incident documentation and medical records to eyewitness testimonies, Leeds Law Firm outlines the evidence needed for a strong case.
  • Compensation Options for Knee Injuries. Personal injury lawsuits, product liability claims, and workers’ compensation are explored as avenues for seeking compensation.
  • Types of Damages You Could Recover. Medical bills, wage loss, costs of medical devices, pain and suffering, and disability are among the damages that may be recoverable.
  • Legal Options If You’re Blamed for Your Knee Injury. Leeds Law Firm explains the modified comparative negligence system in Texas and how you can seek compensation even with partial blame.
  • Why Choose Leeds Law Firm. Listening to your story, guiding you through the intricate legal process, providing information, conducting thorough investigations, and negotiating with insurance companies to secure a full recovery.

What is a Knee Injury?

A knee injury refers to any damage or harm sustained to the knee joint, which is a complex structure comprising bones, ligaments, tendons, and cartilage.

What Are the Types of Knee Injuries?

Numerous kinds of knee injuries exist, varying in their seriousness. It’s essential to consistently pursue a medical assessment and proper treatment if you’ve experienced a knee injury.


Dislocation of the kneecap and knee joints can damage tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels. Failure to treat a knee dislocation quickly could result in amputation.  An examination of the knee after a strong impact usually reveals this sort of injury.


Broken bones can occur in the knee joint with modest trauma. Arthritis or femoral artery damage might complicate these fractures.

Sprain or Strain

Injury to the knee ligaments, which connect the upper and lower legs, causes a sprain. A ligament tear or stretch indicates this injury. Each of the four primary knee ligaments, which connect the upper and lower leg, has a name and injury description.

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL)

In an X-shape, the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) and Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) support the knee from front to back and back to front. This ligament pair limits knee extension and prevents twisting. 

ACL injuries are common and can be caused by:

  • Suddenly coming to a halt
  • Twisting or wrenching the knee during a change in direction
  • Overextending or excessively straightening the joint
  • Direct impact to the outer part of the knee or lower leg

Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL)

Behind the ACL, the PCL spans the knee center. A direct contact on the front of the knee, especially when bent, can sprain the PCL. A vehicle seat knee hitting the dashboard is an example.

Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL)

The inner-leg Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) is the most often damaged knee ligament. A sideways hit on the outer knee or lower leg might damage the MCL. MCL tears can also result from a knee twist, especially during a hard fall that twists the lower leg outward.

Lateral Collateral Ligament (LCL)

The LCL is opposite the MCL on the knee’s outside side. Forces or collisions on the inner knee cause LCL injuries. This forces the knee to twist outward, tearing the LCL.

Meniscus Injury

The meniscus, a tough cartilage, cushions the knee. When weight is applied, a quick twist can tear the meniscus, a common knee injury.


Inflamed bursae, tiny sacs filled with fluid near the knee, cause knee bursitis. This ailment is usually caused by repetitive movements or knee-pressure jobs like floor installation.

Patellar Tendinitis

Injury to the patellar tendon, which connects the patella to the shinbone, causes patellar tendonitis. Overuse injuries like jumper’s knee are common in repetitive-motion sports and jobs.

What Causes Knee Injuries?

Anything exerting pressure on the knee can lead to injury. However, specific situations are frequent culprits for knee injuries in Texas, including:

Motor Vehicle Accidents

Motor vehicle accidents cause many knee injuries. Accidents can severely injure the knee. Car crashes cause quick deceleration, which can cause ligament tears, fractures, and dislocations. 

The knee joint’s vulnerability to injury in accidents highlights the significance of cautious driving, traffic laws, and safety measures.


Assault victims might suffer catastrophic knee injuries. A knee blow or fall during an assault might cause these injuries.

Workplace Accidents

Work-related knee injuries can result from stress, slips, falls, accidents, or unexpected movements like lifting, twisting, or bending. Employees might get knee injuries from repetitive stress, overuse, or accidents in any industry. 

Carpentry, mechanics, cleaning, construction, and other jobs that require regular kneeling or heavy lifting increase the risk of knee injuries.

Defective Products

Knee injuries can also result from defective machinery or consumer items. A defective piece of equipment could cause knee injuries. 

Products without warnings or instructions may also cause damage. Product liability claims can hold manufacturers accountable for dangerous products.

Sports-Related Accidents

Sports improve physical fitness but also cause knee injury. Sports that involve abrupt movements, impacts, and direction changes increase knee joint damage risk. 

Due to their demanding activity, amateur and professional athletes may suffer ligament tears, meniscal injuries, or fractures. Understanding right practices, using protective gear, and following safety requirements can reduce sports-related knee injuries.

Premises Liability

Knee injuries often result from premises liability, which includes negligence on another’s property. Slip-and-fall accidents, uneven surfaces, poorly kept premises, and inadequate warning signs can cause knee injuries on someone else’s property. 

For knee injuries caused by property owners, managers, or occupiers failing to maintain a safe environment, legal action may be taken.

If someone else caused your knee injury, they may be liable for your expenses. Our Houston personal injury lawyer can investigate and hold the guilty party accountable.

What Are the Most Common Symptoms of a Knee Injury?

Knee injury symptoms must be identified for prompt treatment. These are the most frequent knee injury symptoms, so you know what to check for following an occurrence.

Pain and Swelling

Knee injuries cause pain and swelling. A ligament tear, strain, or sprain may cause abrupt, severe knee pain or a gradual aching. Swelling around the knee indicates inflammation and requires medical treatment.

Limited Range of Motion

Another sign is a decrease in knee range of motion. If you can’t fully extend or bend your knee, it may be due to ligament, meniscus, or other damage.

Instability or Weakness

Knee instability or weakness is a warning sign. It may indicate ligament injury or knee support difficulties.

Audible Popping or Clicking Sounds

Knee sounds like popping or clicking might be frightening. Joint mechanical difficulties like meniscus tears may cause these noises.


Trauma-induced blood pooling under the skin causes knee bruise. Not all knee injuries cause bruising, but it may suggest internal injury. Skin color changes around the knee can indicate injury severity.

Difficulty Bearing Weight

Having trouble putting weight on the affected leg indicates a knee problem. Weight-bearing issues might result from fractures, ligament injuries, or severe sprains.

Warmth or Redness

An unusual knee warmth or redness may indicate inflammation. Persistent warmth or redness may suggest ongoing inflammation, the body’s response to injury.

Difficulty Straightening the Knee

Knee straightening difficulty should not be ignored. It may indicate mechanical joint difficulties or knee structural injury.

If you feel any of these sign, seek medical evaluation early on can prevent further of knee injury complications. Consulting a healthcare professional is crucial for accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

What Should I Do After a Knee Injury in Texas?

Suffering a knee injury in the vast expanse of Texas can be disconcerting, but fear not—pragmatic steps exist to guide you through the aftermath.

Immediate Steps After the Injury

Initial injury recovery is critical. Protect yourself and get medical help immediately. A doctor may diagnose and treat sprains, strains, and medical documentation of the injury..

Documentation Matters

Once immediate concerns are resolved, chronicle the situation. Record where and how the injury occurred and get witness statements. If legal action is needed, this information may be crucial.

Reporting the Incident

If you were injured at work, tell your employer. Employers must provide a safe workplace, and reporting incidents is important for your health and legal rights.

Understanding Workers’ Compensation

Learn about workers’ compensation if you were injured at work. It provides financial and medical benefits to workers wounded on the job. Leeds Law Firm’s Texas law expertise can help you navigate workers’ compensation claims.

Seeking Legal Counsel

Consult a lawyer if negligence caused the damage. Leeds Law Firm helps Texas knee injury victims decide whether to file a personal injury claim. Making educated judgments requires knowing your rights and options.

Medical Treatment and Rehabilitation

Comply with medical and rehabilitative treatments. Your health is important, and following medical advice helps you recover and enhances your case if you sue.

Communication With Insurance Providers

Contact your insurance company if the knee injury was caused by a car accident or other insurance-related event. Our experienced knee injury lawyer can help you navigate these interactions and defend your rights.

Who Can Be Held Liable for My Knee Injury?

Texas law holds people accountable for knee injuries caused by carelessness, negligence, recklessness, or intentionality. To recover damages, submit a claim with their insurer. 

Despite their lack of insurance, you may be able to claim for personal harm. Our Houston knee injury lawyer will pursue every feasible recompense for your losses caused by someone else.

What is Texas’ Statute of Limitations for Knee Injury Claims?

In Texas, you have a two-year window from the date of your injury to file a lawsuit. Without filing within this timeframe, you lose your right to suit. Insurance claims are exempt from this deadline. After your knee injury, contact our experienced Houston knee injury attorney immediately. 

Since the insurance company knows it’s too late to sue, discussing a settlement after two years can be difficult.

How Can I Prove Negligence on My Knee Injury Claim?

Building a strong knee injury case requires understanding negligence. To win a claim, you must establish these elements.

Duty of Care

A responsibility of care underpins negligence. This involves showing that the person who hurt you owed you a reasonable responsibility. In the workplace, businesses must ensure employee safety.

Breach of Duty

After establishing the duty of care, prove a breach. This requires showing that the responsible party fell short of the standard of care. Failure to address safety issues or maintain equipment may be the cause.


Causation links the violation of duty to your knee damage. You must prove negligence caused your suffering. Medical records, expert testimony, and other data are vital to this relationship.


Finally, you must have experienced damages to suit for negligence. This includes medical bills, missed pay, and injury-related pain and suffering. A successful lawsuit requires accurate damage calculation and presentation.

What Evidence Do I Need?

Proper evidence can make or break a knee injury negligence lawsuit. The following proof is necessary to prove your case and achieve justice.

Incident Documentation

Start simple—document the incident. Record the knee injury’s location, time, and method. Include weather, illumination, and other accident causes. Detailed and precise incident reports form the basis of your case.

Medical Records and Expert Opinions

Medical records are essential for linking the occurrence to your knee damage. Get quick medical assistance and document your diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis.  Expert medical opinions can also help determine the severity and cause of your injury.

Workplace Safety Records

Check workplace safety records if the knee injury occurred at work. These records can show if safety protocols were followed. Deviations from safety requirements can prove negligence.

Eyewitness Testimonies

Eyewitnesses lend credibility to your case. Get witness statements. Their opinions can illuminate injury situations. These statements can prove the defendant’s negligence.

Photographs and Video Footage

Picture worth a thousand words. Photos or video of the accident scene can show what caused the knee damage. Photograph the area from several angles, highlighting hazards and contributing elements. This visual evidence can prove negligence.

Communication Records

Record all incident communications. This includes emails, texts, and printed correspondence with the responsible party or their representatives. These records may show admissions of guilt, compensation offers, or other essential evidence for your case.

Financial Records for Damages

Keep detailed financial records to prove damages. This covers medical bills, out-of-pocket expenses, and injury-related wage losses. These measurable financial losses support compensation claims.

How Can I Obtain Compensation for My Knee Injuries?

Securing compensation for a knee injury can assist in covering medical expenses, lost wages, and other costs. Explore these options:

Personal Injury Lawsuit

If your knee injury resulted from a car accident or slip and fall caused by someone else’s negligence, you may be eligible for a personal injury claim to seek compensation.

Product Liability Claim

Occasionally, a defective product or equipment, like a car or workplace machinery, can lead to a knee injury. If this happens, you might have grounds for a product liability claim against the manufacturer or distributor to seek damages.

Workers’ Compensation

If you hurt your knee on the job, you might be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits, covering things like part of your wages and medical expenses. Yet, if someone else, like another contractor on your job site, caused the accident, you could potentially pursue a personal injury lawsuit and obtain damages.

What Damages I Could Recover?

Personal injury or product liability lawsuits may result in various damages, depending on the circumstances of your accident:

Medical Bills

Your initial and ongoing medical expenses can be covered. This includes knee injury-related doctor visits, surgeries, rehabilitation, and other healthcare costs.

Wage Loss

If your knee injury required time off work, you can recover your lost wages. Your injury may impair current and future wages.

Medical Devices

Medical devices costs like knee braces and mobility aids are recoverable. These goods are essential for post-injury recovery and quality of life.

Pain and Suffering

Beyond the costs, you might seek compensation for knee injury pain and suffering. This includes physical and emotional pain from the accident and aftermath.


You can sue for damages if your knee injury disables you from working and living normally. This includes compensation for reduced earnings and lifestyle modifications.

What If I’m Blamed for My Knee Injury?

Contact our law firm immediately if you suspect you contributed to the accident that injured you. Even if you were negligent, you may be entitled to compensation. Texas personal injury cases use modified comparative negligence with a 51% threshold. 

If you’re not solely responsible for your injuries, you can seek compensation. When many parties are at fault, the injured person’s damages are modified by liability percentage.

Why Do I Need a Knee Injury Attorney in Texas?

Bringing on our knee injury lawyer in Houston is a crucial move when seeking compensation for a knee injury following an accident in Texas. Your choice of a personal injury attorney is vital. When you reach out to Leeds Law Firm, here’s what you can anticipate from us:

  • Listen. Your story matters after an injury. We’re here to listen and understand your experience.
  • Guide. The personal injury claim process can be intricate. Let us guide you through every step, handling all aspects of your case.
  • Inform. Stay informed about your case’s status. We ensure our clients are in the loop throughout the process.
  • Investigate. We take charge of the investigation. Rather than relying solely on law enforcement and insurance companies, we conduct our thorough inquiry into the circumstances leading to your knee injury.
  • Get Expert Input. Our collaboration with top knee injury experts in Texas ensures you receive the best insights.
  • Gather Evidence. Documentation is key. We collect evidence, including medical records and expert testimony, and if needed, workplace incident reports or video surveillance to establish responsibility.
  • Hold the Responsible Party Accountable. We determine cause, fault, and liability, using this information to hold the responsible party accountable for your injuries.
  • Stand Up for You. When the insurance company tries to shift blame onto you, we stand up for your rights and ensure your perspective is heard.
  • Negotiate. Armed with skills and experience, we negotiate with insurance companies to secure a full recovery for our clients.

Our personal injury firm is dedicated to diligently managing your case. Reach out today for a complimentary case consultation.

Your Partner for Justice and Support 

Early detection and treatment are crucial for complex knee injuries. Understanding symptoms and getting medical help can speed recovery. Leeds Law Firm’s simplicity and expertise make us a trusted ally for Texas knee injury victims.

Leeds Law Firm can help with knee injury recovery. A skilled Houston knee injury attorney provides clear and practical assistance. We simplify the legal process from understanding your rights to seeking compensation.

Our legal team can also represent you in Catastrophic Injuries, Insurance Claims, Medical Malpractice, and Nursing Home Abuse. Reach out today, and let Leeds Law Firm be your partner in seeking the justice and support you deserve.



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